Sunday 28 August 2016

Free energy devices for save your money

The free energy means that we make a good devices to help our money and her cost low other devices like 'petrol ,light etc' .and now a day,s we want more energy to make easily and very low cost and we use a new thinking for new energy devices that we use for daily life and these devices can,t want petrol or light . and we use these devices for making other things or use for home .so below we share some devices to save your a lot of money.

Quantum Energy Generator (QEG):-

the quantum energy generator is work on nikola telsa technology and it is the free energy device. Nikola Tesla patented one of the first “free energy” generators over 100 years ago, but his energy technologies were rejected by greedy banksters for the reason that his technologies were too efficient. According to Fix the World Organization, the QEG uses less than 1 kilowatt (kW) of power but can produce up to 10 kW of power without the need of any fuel.

free energy devices

BlackLight’s SunCell:-

this is the other part of the free energy device for make free energy.blacklight,s is used for make enegry from sun .this technology use in devices for make energy from sun . and it,s called solar system. and it,s make 12volts .